Sunday, October 25, 2009

I'm from Orgeon, thats why you think I sound funny and why you think I sound funny.

Benjamin Percy is quite possibly one of the coolest dudes I've evah met. He's kinda like a hidden rock star of writing. Check it out here.

I Feel Advertised To... But In A Good Way.




Monday, October 12, 2009

Top Three Movies I Want In My LIFE.

If you haven't already read The Road By Cormac McCarthy, go NOW and find it and read it. I'm not gonna say that its the best book I've ever read but its definitely up there...

If you see the movie before reading the book, you're a sinner.

Even if you don't spend the time to read it the movie looks to be life changing in every way possible.

If you haven't even accidentally read Where the Wild Things Are, when you were a kid, you probably weren't born in America.
And just because I hate Nazis.

Friday, October 2, 2009

I was chewing gum...

For some time now I have pondered about the concepts of encores. For me, it is usually that moment at a concert when a group gets guilt tripped enough into coming back on the stage for another song or two. It seems as if the encore has become an obligatory thing- it is no longer an acknowledgment that the preforming act has done such a spectacular and stupendous job at their art that the audience MUST HAVE more. No, it has become something that the audience expects and feels deserving of no matter what.

For the first time in my concert going career, I saw a double encore. Yes believe it or not Wilco put on a double encore. As I see it, the second encore is somewhat of a rarity- only proven by the fact that people took off after the first encore. This is what an encore should be- a pull out all the stops, crowd pleasing, bout of rock and roll. It should not be an obligatory thing and the crowd should have to earn it. The audience should want more and not expect the performer to give them anything without proper compensation.

Audiences need to realize that an encore is not hard to get. It is planned out- the band knows exactly what song they are going to play before the concert even starts, they have their roadies re-set there instruments, and the crowd continues clapping even though they know the outcome.

What ever happened?

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

First Off,Don't Ever Bad Mouth Synergy...

-In This Economy-

The Radio Show

Roadrunner & Judas Quinn Spin Wax

Every Wednesday from 4-6 pm central standard time

Listen on your transistor at 88.5 FM

Or stream it here.

"Its like an extensive investigation of alternative pop-history"